corn, wheat, soybeans, rice, beans, cotton, coffee, fruit, tomatoes; beef, poultry, dairy products; wood products
$370.9 billion (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 17
$349.6 billion (2012 est.)
manufactured goods, oil and oil products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, cotton
US 78% (2012)
$370.7 billion (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 16
$350.9 billion (2012 est.)
metalworking machines, steel mill products, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment, car parts for assembly, repair parts for motor vehicles, aircraft, and aircraft parts
US 49.9%, China 15.4%, Japan 4.8% (2012)
Mexican pesos
Mexican pesos (MXN) per US dollar -
12.76 (2013 est.)
13.17 (2012 est.)
12.636 (2010 est.)
13.514 (2009)
11.016 (2008)
calendar year