

Doing Business In Denmark

Visa Information

Citizens of the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand need a valid passport to enter Denmark, but they don’t need a visa for tourist stays of less than three months. In addition, no entry visa is needed by citizens of EU and Scandinavian countries.
Citizens of many African, South American, Asian and former Soviet bloc countries do require a visa. The Danish Immigration Service publishes a list of countries whose citizens require a visa at its website at
If you’re in the country and have questions on visa extensions or visas in general, contact the Danish Immigration Service: Udlændingestyrelsen (35 36 66 00;; Ryesgade 53, Copenhagen; 8.30am-noon Mon-Fri, 3.30-5.30pm Thu).
Work visas
Citizens of EU countries are allowed to stay in Denmark for up to three months while searching for a job and it’s generally straightforward to get a residency permit if work is found. The main stipulation is that the job provides enough income to adequately cover living expenses.
Citizens of other countries are required to get a work permit before entering Denmark. This means first securing a job offer then applying for a work and residency permit from a Danish embassy or consulate while still in your home country; permits are usually limited to people with specialised skills in high demand.

Business Etiquette

Meeting Etiquette

. Appointments are necessary. 
. Confirm appointments in writing.
. Initial correspondence should be made to the company and not an individual. 
. Do not try to schedule meetings from mid June through mid August as many Danes are on vacation. 
. You should arrive at meetings on time. The Danes you are meeting will be punctual. 
. Telephone immediately if you will be detained more than 5 minutes. 
. Shake hands with everyone upon arriving and leaving. Handshakes should be very firm and rather short. Maintain eye contact while being introduced. Always shake hands with women first. 
. Business cards are exchanged. Your business card should have the physical address of your company and not a post office box. 
. Danes use their professional title and their surname. If someone does not have a professional title, use Herr (Mister), Fru (Misses) or Froken (Miss). Danes move to first names quickly. Nonetheless, wait to be invited before using someone's first name. 

Business Negotiation

Send an agenda before the meeting and work from it without deviation. 

. Decisions are made after consulting with everyone involved. 
. Presentations should be well-organized and factual. Use facts, figures and charts to back up statements and conclusions. 
. Maintain eye contact while speaking. 
. There will be a minimal amount of small talk. Danes prefer to get down to business quickly. 
. Communication is direct. 

General Business Hours