Yellowpages and Whitepages are great help for finding information about companies, people, products etc. While yellowpages provide information on companies and products, whitepages provide information on people (like a telephone directory) So, if you are looking for contact details of a company in Bahrain, probably the search will start from a business directory of Bahrain. Before the advent of Internet, printed yellowpages were about the only source of such information. These printed directories are not only expensive but tedious to use as search options are usually limited to category or company. With the advent of Internet came hundreds of yellowpages with not only superior search facilities generally associated with computerised databases but also at almost no cost. Even after dotcom bust there exists a large number of country specific and special purpose yellowpages where access is still free. Another feature of Internet directories is the ability to search for people (also called whitepages) as in telephone directories. This is a wonderful feature not available before Internet era where one can search for telephone directories of the world in the Net. For example, MTNL telephone directories are now available in the Net. Tips on Better usage of Yellowpages and Whitepages
Yellowpages List of select yellowpages. Please use any search engine to cover other countries. Australia Telstra Australia Yellow Pages Bahrain Bahrain Internet Pages South Africa Official South African yellow Pages China China Big - Comprehensive Business Listing for Greater
China - in Chinese and English
UAE Abu Dhabi Business Directory Whitepages List of few notable whitepages
Special Purpose Directories
Related Links: Source: FAIDA
- Newsletter on Business Opportunties from India and Abroad
Vol: 2, Issue 37
February 21' 2002