@section('title', 'How to Track an E-Mail ? Part 4 - Locating Sender's Country from IP Address Articles on Export Import Trade over Internet') @section('description', 'InfoBanc: Trade Point for Indian manufacturers, exporters and importers') @section('keywords', 'india, indian, articles, e-commerce, internet trade, export, import, buy, sell, trade business, commerce, internet commerce, business over internet, information, database, manufacturer, exporter, importer, trade point') @section('content')
E-mails are anonymous by nature - but contains significant information in its header about the path it traversed before reaching your mailbox. The header is normally not visible. We have discussed how to view and analyze header of any e-mail and locate actual sender with his/her IP address. In this issue - we shall discuss how to locate sender's country from IP address. Internet Resources for IP Analysis There are various free and paid-for Internet resources to help you find information about IP addresses, domain names etc. 1. VisualWare Perhaps the leader in IP tracking software, Visualware
has number of products to track e-mail, IP, domain name owner etc.
2. DNS Stuff My favourite - this is a very powerful yet completely
free service that does dozens of extremely useful functions. Internet
is truly a marvelous place - where else would you find such high
quality service completely free of cost ? 3. American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) An excellent free source for finding information
on IP number. To use this service, please visit
http://www.arin.net/whois/index.html . Enter the IP into the
search text box and hit "Submit". If the IP address belongs to an
organization in North America or sub-Saharan Africa it will display
the details of owner of the IP address.
4. NetGeo - The Internet Geographic Database NetGeo is a free service for locating geographical
position of an IP address. Though this free service is almost as
good as Visualware - much of its functionality is now lost as its
database is not updated regularly. Above is a list of selected Internet resources, there are many others. I hope this is sufficient to meet your expectations. In case you need more - please feel free to suggest. I look forward to your comments, feedback and suggestion Happy and Productive Surfing Dr. Amit K Chatterjee Related Links:
Source: FAIDA
- Newsletter on Business Opportunties from India and Abroad
Vol: 5, Issue 13
; December 3' 2004